NDIS & Head to Foot Ortho
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS will provide about 460,000 Australians under the age of 65 with a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live an ordinary life. As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life. The NDIS supports people with disability to build skills and capability so they can participate in the community and employment.
Head to Foot Orthotics & the NDIS
Head to Foot Orthotics is a registered provider with the NDIS. Our registration ID is 4050001517
For more information please contact us
Can I access the NDIS?
To become an NDIS participant you must:
- Be an Australian resident
- Be under 65 years old.
- Live in an NDIS area (see below).
- Have an impairment or disability that is likely to be permanent
Check your eligibility via the NDIS website
How do I register for the NDIS?
- Contact the NDIS online or on 1800 800 110
- Complete the application forms
- Contact Head to Foot Orthotics to discuss your requirements
- An NDIA planner will contact you for an assessment
Check your eligibility via the NDIS access checklist or for more information visit the NDIS website.
What can an NDIS Participant expect during our process?
- Initial appointment
- Gather relevant information for your care
- Discuss your orthotic needs
- Complete full assessment
What Pt needs to bring:
Patient Questionnaire if completed
NDIS plan details
A support person/ advocate (if required/desired) - Application is generated and quote provided
- Clinician generates quote for Assistive Technology
- At assessment template is filled in
- Quote and Assistive Technology template and interim service agreement provided to client to sign
- Application submitted to NDIS
- Await approval from NDIS
This can be as little as 2 weeks all the way to 12 months Clients are encouraged to contact the NDIS/ support coordinator and follow up their applications to speed up the process and get in touch with Head To Foot Orthotics if your situation changes. - On Approval
- Client attends appointment – re assessed if required due to significant lapse in time between assessment and approval
- Participant measured and or cast for Assistive Technology
- Full service agreement signed between client and HTFO for the length of your NDIS plan
- Fitting of final product
(Depending on your Assistive Technology there may be additional ‘check fitting’ appointments) - Ongoing reviews
HTFO will provide care and service for you and your Assistive Technology for the remainder of your plan. This is included in the funding and is dependent on the type of Assistive Technology you require.
How can I provide feedback, make a complaint or report an incident?
At Head To Foot Orthotics we welcome feedback and take the handling of complaints and reporting on incidents very seriously. If you wish to provide feedback or make a complaint (including anonymously) you can do so via our website here.
You can also contact us directly at Head Office, report an incident or request further information regarding our complaints handling process via our direct number on (03) 9870 2284 or email admin@htfo.com.au
If you are unsatisfied with the handling of a complaint, you can lodge a complaint (including anonymously if you wish) with the NDIS commissioner. Head To Foot Orthotics can assist you with this or you can find more details on how and where to lodge at; https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints
How and why does Head To Foot collect my information?
Occasionally Clinicians may request video footage or photographs. This will always be done with your signed consent. This information may be used for justification, education or promotional purposes. If you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to ask your clinician
How can I transfer my application to a new Provider?
If you wish to transfer your application to a new provider we can supply your information with your written consent. You can email us directly, post us a written request, request an appointment or enquire at Head Office during our office hours. Please ensure you supply the contact name, company name, and phone number, email or address so we can accurately forward your details.
Under what circumstances might Head To Foot Orthotics deny service?
- When a participant requests discontinuation of care
- Where agreement cannot be reached by either party to sign a Service Agreement
- When it is deemed that there is an unreasonable risk to staff
- When a participant becomes abusive
- When a participant has not cooperated or complied with the treatment plan, resulting in care that is not effective, or a professional boundary has been breached and all reasonable steps have been taken to manage the behaviour
- When the requested orthotic treatment is deemed to have a reasonable likelihood of causing harm to the participant
- When the requested orthotic treatment is deemed unreasonable or unnecessary (in consultation with the participant)
- In any circumstance where the treatment of a patient would cause a clinician to contravene the AOPA (Australian Orthotics and Prosthetic Association) Competency Standards
- Where an external visit is required and the geographical location of the patient is not deemed within the catchment region for Head to Foot Orthotics (typically within a 50km radius of any HTFO clinic)
- Where adequate funding is not available for services
- Where the requested treatment is outside of the scope of expertise of Head to Foot Orthotics clinical staff
- Where the requested treatment is unable to meet the standards of practice because there are not enough resources available
Can I fill out the Patient Questionnaire before my appointment?
Yes! The questionnaire helps us gather some additional information that can assist with the application process. It may be helpful for you to complete this beforehand. You can download the document here.
How can I transfer or refer one of my clients?
Head To Foot Orthotics have clinics located in Croydon, Dandenong and Berwick, (Melbourne). We can make external visits for participants and are happy to accommodate clinical team appointments if required. If you would like to discuss your requirements, transfer or refer a participant to us you can contact us on (03) 9870 2284 or via email at admin@htfo.com.au
If you are transferring a participant who has already begun their Orthotic plan with you, please complete this form.